Snow and Skating

kid hugs the poleJust as nature changes its colors with seasons, the mood in the scultpure garden changes as well.  It is skating time.

The place is not as big as the one in Central Park in New York where I spent the last couple of holidays — but the excitement in people is no less.

With Beatles played full blast — nice mood — it is worth checking out.

Fascination with Street Photography

I never get tired of street photography.  If I had to summarize and was asked to pick just one genre (if there is such a thing), that intrigues me the most — I would pick street photography.  I have always awed and appreciated the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans, and Gary Winogrand.  The lovely moments they captured for proverbial eternity — boxes up culture, flavor, and rides of emotion and feelings.  Just like a good poem keep talking to me at different levels as I grow and mature, their photos speak to me in a similar  way.  Another dimension that comes to light — more so because of the specific medium of photography –more precisely, street photography.  And that is – it is damn hard!  HCB has said that luck plays a big part. While I agree that being in Washington, DC is different for this kind of work is not same as being in NYC or Paris or London or some city in Asia.   But the fact is the photographer matters.  More than the camera he is carrying — albeit all the ravings and musings on using a Leica rangefinder (I use one these days too).  But again it is not so much about the camera but the eye and “sting” of the photographer.  Else, how come HCB has gone around the world taking pictures.  I strive to mater the art of capturing the “decisive moment”.  I say this again it is hard.  But it is rewarding.  I have just started to scratch the surface and I realize how great the opportunities for improvement are.  As if there is a whole ocean to cross and I have just started wading the waters — not even swimming.  Looking at the pictures of greats are by itself – humbling.  Every time I start loitering in a street corner, I wonder how much it would take to create a body of work – that speaks of my style and tells a narrative.  I wonder.  My journey has just begun.  Here are my first baby steps.

Fall is almost over

Fall is quite beautiful in this area.  For a photographer it is a treat.  This year, however, the weather was not the very best.  Cloudy skies, rains, especially in the weekends made picture taking a bit difficult.  I wish we had more sunny days.  Here are some of the snaps from in and around DC. River road in Maryland along the Potomac is a great place. (Stay away from not getting shot by the rabbit and squirrel hunters).  Just when I wrapped up a shot, there was deer that jumped into my car.  I wish I had my camera in my hands and not the steering wheel. Anyways, as thanksgiving draws near, fall is almost over, here are few to look back on until next year.


Few months back, I spent a good three weeks in France and Italy.  Visited Paris, Nice, Florence, and Rome. It amazes me the unlimited photo opportunities that part of world provides.